Published on 12:00 AM, October 11, 2019

Trade wars lose US its competitiveness top spot

The United States fell to second place behind Singapore in the World Economic Forum’s flagship Global Competitiveness Report, with the slippage linked in part to President Donald Trump’s trade wars.

The Forum, organisers of the glitzy annual gathering of business and political elite in Davos, have released an annual competitiveness report since 1979 that assesses which economies are well placed to see productivity and long-term growth.

While the report noted that the US  “remains an innovation powerhouse” and the world’s second most competitive economy, some trouble signs have emerged, the Forum said.

“There are no two ways (about) it. It is important to ensure the countries are being open to trade,” said Saadia Zahidi, a Forum managing director, when asked to comment on the impact of the tariffs imposed by the Trump administration.

She noted the lack of  “hard data” on the impact of US tariffs imposed on several of its main economic partners, as the set of products impacted remains limited compared to overall trade. But, she said,  “the sentiment” surrounding investing in the US  “has been going down,” she told reporters in Geneva.