Published on 12:00 AM, December 25, 2014

Busan IPark coming today

Busan IPark coming today

Busan IPark, a top-tier football club of South Korea, will arrive in Dhaka today for a friendly fixture against Bangladesh Premier League champions Sheikh Jamal Dhanmondi Club on Saturday.

The four-time Korean League champions will arrive here at 8:20pm, with a 24-man contingent including 18 players -- two goalkeepers, seven defenders, five midfielders, four forwards -- and six officials. The Busan-based club, which won the AFC Champions League in 1986 and finished the recently-concluded K League in eighth position among 12 clubs -- are only bringing 18 of their home-grown players, four of whom have experience of either playing for the Korea U-20 or U-23 teams, while leaving out quite a few registered players including two Brazilians.

The K League outfit will have a training session at the match venue later in the evening. The president of Korea Football Association (KCA), Chung Mong-gyu, will arrive on Friday to witness the friendly match at 5:00pm on Saturday at the Bangabandhu National Stadium.