Published on 12:00 AM, August 27, 2016

Kerry's Visit

US envoy talks to foreign secy about security

As the US Secretary of State John Kerry is set to visit Bangladesh on Monday, Dhaka and Washington have started preparations for holding his meetings with high government officials and other stakeholders smoothly.

An advance team comprising US diplomats and security personnel is already in Dhaka to supervise the arrangements.

As part of the preparations, US Ambassador in Dhaka Marcia Bernicat yesterday met Foreign Secretary Md Shahidul Haque at the foreign ministry and discussed overall preparations and security arrangements.

Beginning at 11:00am, the meeting lasted for over an hour, said foreign ministry sources.

The advance team is scheduled to visit the meeting venues and meet foreign ministry officials today, added the sources.

According to the US State Department, Kerry will visit Dhaka on Monday before flying to New Delhi on a three-day tour. He is expected to highlight the broad US-Bangladesh relationship during his stay here.

“Secretary Kerry will meet with government officials to discuss our growing cooperation on global issues. He also will focus on strengthening our longstanding bilateral partnership on democracy, development, security and human rights,” the State Department said in a statement on Wednesday.

As per the draft programme schedule, Kerry on Monday morning will hold a bilateral meeting with his Bangladeshi counterpart AH Mahmood Ali at the state guest house Padma and later meet the press.

He will also call on Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and civil society representatives. He is likely to meet Leader of the Opposition Raushan Ershad and BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia.

Talking to The Daily Star, US embassy spokesperson Nancy VanHorn yesterday said priority areas for Kerry's visit would include the US' growing cooperation on global issues, bilateral partnership on democracy, development, security and human rights.