Published on 12:00 AM, August 12, 2020

Woman, teen raped in N’ganj, Dinajpur

A garment worker and a college student have allegedly been raped in two incidents in Narayanganj and Dinajpur.

The garment worker, 22, was gang-raped by five unidentified youths in Narayanganj's Araihazar upazila on Saturday.

The college girl, 20, was raped after being abducted by five youths on Monday afternoon when she and her male classmate went to visit Sheikh Russell National Park in Dinajpur's Nawabganj upazila.

The victim in Narayanganj filed a case with Araihazar Police Station in this connection on Monday night, Araihazar OC Nazrul Islam said yesterday.

Quoting the case statement, the OC said five youths intercepted the 22-year-old girl on a road in Kakail area around 8:00pm on Saturday when she was returning to her in-law's house in Araihazar from her home in Kanchpur of Sonargaon upazila.

They picked up the girl at gunpoint and raped her at an isolated place nearby, said Nazrul.

Hearing her screaming for help, some locals rushed to the spot and rescued her. The youths, however, managed to escape, said the OC.

"The victim initially kept the matter a secret for fear of social embarrassment. She filed the case after her husband came to know about the incident," he said.

The garment worker was sent to Narayanganj General Hospital yesterday morning for medical examinations.

In Dinajpur, police arrested four people on Monday night in connection with the rape of the college girl.

The arrestees are Shahinur Alam, 30, the alleged rapist, Azim Islam, 31, Sajedul Islam, 21, and Shahrul Islam, 20, all from Nawabganj upazila of the district.

The other accused, Rezwanul Islam, 20, is on the run.

The victim's classmate said they went to Sheikh Russell National Park on Monday afternoon. They were standing at a place between the national park and Ashura Beel, a popular tourist destination in Nawabganj upazila.

All of a sudden, four youths appeared there and started harassing them verbally.

At one stage, they beat up the victim's classmate and snatched money and mobile phones from the two. The youths then dragged the college girl into the forest and disappeared.

Shahinur, with the help of others, raped the girl in the forest. The youths also demanded ransom from the girl's family over the phone, said Ashok Kumar Chowhan, OC of Nawabganj Police Station, quoting the victim as saying.

Later, the victim's classmate informed some locals about the incident. One of the locals called police seeking help.

Around 9.00pm on Monday, Nawabganj police rescued the girl from near the forest and arrested four in connection with the incident.

Around midnight on Monday, the victim's classmate filed a case in connection with the incident accusing the five.

Yesterday, a Dinajpur court sent the four arrestees to jail after police produced them before it.

Police sent the victim to M Abdur Rahim Medical College Hospital for medical tests.

[Our Narayanganj and Dinajpur correspondents contributed to this report.]