Published on 12:00 AM, August 22, 2019

Tariq Anam Khan to reinvent himself in ‘Makeup’

Photo: Courtesy

An actor who always presents himself in different kinds of roles is Tariq Anam Khan, a household name in Bangladesh. In his latest endeavour, Makeup, the actor reinvents himself. The film, which is to be directed by Anonno Mamun, will see the veteran actor play the role of a superstar in films. Makeup will also feature Ziaul Roshan as the lead actor.  “If the story and character are interesting, there is a lot of joy in working,” says Tariq Anam Khan. Besides Makeup, he is acting in the much anticipated Gangchil, as well as the soon to be released Shaap Ludu and Peyarar Shubash.