Published on 12:00 AM, June 26, 2019

‘Happy Days’ to be held for ailing actor Sumon

Sumon, a former student of the department of Drama and Dramatics at Jahangirnagar University, is currently under treatment at Square Hospital. He is suffering from heart complications. He needs to be sent abroad for treatment, a situation which his family cannot meet financially. As a result, it will be of utmost assistance if we come forward to cover the expenses as much as we can, for the treatment of this young talented artiste.

On June 28, the play Happy Days, written by Samuel Beckett, will be showcased back to back in the Mahila Samity Auditorium at Baily Road. The revenue from the ticket sales will be exclusively for Sumon’s treatment purposes.

Besides, if anyone is willing to further assist him, it will be possible as well.  

Happy Days will take place at 5:30 pm and 7:30 pm respectively.  The ticket prices are BDT 100, 200, 300, 500 and 1000, and will be available at the counter prior to the show. For advance booking, kindly contact the numbers +8801717386646 or +8801930073813.