Published on 12:00 AM, July 22, 2015

CHHAU workshop at Shilpakala

Nrityajog, the Bangladesh Chapter of World Dance Alliance, has organised a weeklong (July 22-28) dance workshop, in cooperation with Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy (BSA). Renowned Delhi-based dancer Santosh Nair will conduct the workshop starting from today, at the Nrityshala rehearsal room of BSA. 

The workshop, to be held in two sessions (10am-1pm and 4pm-7pm), will be demonstrated into two parts, one on the famous Mayurbhanj Chhau dance and the other on contemporary dance.  

A dance recital will be held at the end of the workshop, on July 28, at the Music and Dance Centre auditorium of BSA. The show will exhibit what the participants had learnt during the workshop and will also include performances by Santosh Nair himself.

This workshop, like many previous others conducted by Nrityajog, will not only help young dancers in Bangladesh to improve their technical skills in dance and also aid in building a proper body language very much needed for dancers, but also enable them to get in touch with Mayurbhanj Chhau dance, which may be new to many participants in the workshop.

Attempts such as these would encourage dancers from various districts to train properly and also come in contact with dance vocabularies from other parts of the world, in order to enhance their skills and technical training.