Published on 12:00 AM, November 18, 2014

A healthy diet is a human right

A healthy diet is a human right

THE scourge of malnutrition affects the most vulnerable in society, and it hurts most in the earliest stages of life. At present, more than 800 million people are chronically hungry, it is about 11 percent of the global population. Under nutrition is the underlying cause of almost half of all child deaths, and a quarter of living children are stunted due to inadequate nutrition. Micronutrient deficiencies – due to diets lacking in vitamins and minerals, also known as “hidden hunger” – affects two billion people.

Another worrying form of malnutrition is the obesity which is on the rise. More than 500 million adults are obese as a result of diets containing excess fat, sugars and salt. This exposes people to a greater risk of noncommunicable diseases like heart disease, stroke, diabetes and cancer, now the top causes of death in the world.

Many developing countries now face multiple burdens of malnutrition. People living in the same communities, sometimes even the same households suffering from undernutrition, hidden hunger and obesity. These numbers are shocking and must serve as a global call to action.

Creating healthy and sustainable food systems is key to overcoming malnutrition in all its forms, from hunger to obesity. Our food systems are simply not sustainable or healthy today, let alone in 2050, when we will have to feed more than nine billion people. We need to produce more food but also nutritious food and to do so in ways that safeguard the capacity of future generations to feed themselves.

In preparation for the Second International Conference on Nutrition (ICN2) to be held from 19 to 21 November, countries have agreed to a Political Declaration and a Framework for Action on nutrition containing concrete recommendations to develop coherent public policies in agriculture, trade, social protection, education and healtha that promote healthy diets and better nutrition at all stages of life.

The Framework for Action gives governments a plan for developing and implementing national policies and investments throughout the food chain to ensure healthy, diverse and balanced diets for all.

-    Compiled by Law Desk.