Sayeeda Khanam

Birthday special / Sayeeda Khanam: Reminiscing a rebel

Eighty-six years after Sayeeda's birth, these facts still resound, underscoring the pivotal role of parenting and support systems in shaping someone's journey, regardless of the societal norms they were born into. However, winning the birth lottery didn’t mean it was easy for Sayeeda; what she accomplished with a camera, paving the way for future generations of female photographers, was nothing short of conquering the Himalayas.

Women photographers of the Bangladesh Liberation War

War and women – this phrase usually conjures up an image of women being victimised during war, but there are activities of women, fighting on the battlefield, or even capturing photos with a camera in hand, which represents that time.

December 29, 2023
December 29, 2023

Sayeeda Khanam: Reminiscing a rebel

Eighty-six years after Sayeeda's birth, these facts still resound, underscoring the pivotal role of parenting and support systems in shaping someone's journey, regardless of the societal norms they were born into. However, winning the birth lottery didn’t mean it was easy for Sayeeda; what she accomplished with a camera, paving the way for future generations of female photographers, was nothing short of conquering the Himalayas.

December 16, 2022
December 16, 2022

Women photographers of the Bangladesh Liberation War

War and women – this phrase usually conjures up an image of women being victimised during war, but there are activities of women, fighting on the battlefield, or even capturing photos with a camera in hand, which represents that time.

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