
Commentator Dokic hits out at 'fat-shaming' trolls at Australian Open

Player-turned commentator Jelena Dokic lashed out Monday at the "disgusting" body-shaming she has endured online while working at the Australian Open.

Tips to lose 100 pounds or more

Losing weight takes time. Weight loss experts and people who have lost weight offer tips to cut calories, fight “hangry,” make exercise easier, and more.

Over 50? These problems can sneak up on you

Ageing is a natural phenomenon. We develop many health issues as we age. Here are some growing-up issues to watch for:

Obesity rising faster in rural areas

Obesity worldwide, including in Bangladesh, is increasing more quickly in rural areas than in cities, a study reports, challenging a long-held assumption that the global epidemic of excess weight is mainly an urban problem.

'Radical rethink' needed to tackle obesity, hunger, climate: Report

To defeat the intertwined pandemics of obesity, hunger and climate change, governments must curb the political influence of major corporations, says a major report calling for a 'global treaty' similar to one for tobacco control.

The dangers of obesity in Bangladesh

Obesity is rising in Bangladesh, as indicated by several regional and international reports.

Americans have grown fatter, shorter since 1999: US data

Americans have got fatter over the past two decades, adding girth to their bellies and even growing fractionally shorter on average, according to federal health data release.

'Healthily obese' women at risk of cardiovascular disease

New European research finds that women who are obese but metabolically healthy still have a higher risk of developing cardiovascular disease than metabolically healthy women who are of a normal weight.

Obesity, overweight multiplies risk of cancer and heart disease, especially in women

New European research has found that being overweight or obese exponentially increases the chance of suffering from heart disease or cancer, with the risk even greater for women than men.

June 21, 2017
June 21, 2017

Overfed and underfed: global food extremes

What to do when millions of people, not able to grow or buy sufficient food, become chronically undernourished? What to do when millions of people put on so much weight that they become obese?

June 14, 2016
June 14, 2016

Obesity boom 'fuelling rise in malnutrition'

Malnutrition is sweeping the world, fuelled by obesity as well as starvation, new research has suggested.

May 11, 2016
May 11, 2016

Being overweight 'may be less unhealthy'

Being overweight may not be as unhealthy as it was 40 years ago, Danish research suggests.

April 1, 2016
April 1, 2016

More obese than underweight, study says

There are now more adults in the world classified as obese than underweight, a major study has suggested.

April 1, 2016
April 1, 2016

Childhood obesity: A public health problem

Weight gain of a child is celebrated in our country by many parent-at least in the beginning of a child's life. Culturally, we love food...

April 1, 2016
April 1, 2016

Childhood obesity: A public health problem

Weight gain of a child is celebrated in our country by many parent-at least in the beginning of a child's life. Culturally, we love food...

September 17, 2015
September 17, 2015

'Youngest' toddler with type 2 diabetes raises concern

The case of a three-year-old girl in the US who developed type 2 diabetes has driven doctors to raise fresh concerns about diet in childhood.

September 1, 2015
September 1, 2015

The body fat that burns calories more quickly

White fat is the kind of fat we do not want – they tend to sit in deposits where we least want them. Then there’s the other kind of fat, capable of melting away your calories and keep your blood levels in check.

August 21, 2015
August 21, 2015

Scientists discover how the obesity gene works (video)

Scientists have finally figured out how the key gene tied to obesity makes people fat, a major discovery that could open the door to an entirely new approach to the problem beyond diet and exercise.

July 17, 2015
July 17, 2015

Obesity: 'Slim chance' of return to normal weight

Chance of returning to a normal weight after becoming obese is only one in 210 for men and one in 124 for women over a year, research suggests.

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