migrant worker

Deportees from KSA: Neglect writ large as one dies

A deported migrant worker died and another one fell sick during their flight back to Dhaka from Saudi Arabia yesterday.

Worker outflow to Saudi Arabia climbs but remittance falls

The outflow of migrant workers from Bangladesh to Saudi Arabia surged around four times in the last three years but remittance earnings from the country have kept falling, official figures showed.  

The water tank with many holes

The man eager to pay back his debt is becoming a rarity. Yet, he represents the hardworking, honest Bangladesh that can bring real change to the system.

Returnee Migrant Workers / Maimed, many are left in the lurch

As Bangladesh sends tens of thousands of migrant workers abroad each year, scores return home prematurely after suffering various injuries or illnesses in the host countries

Is it Destination Death for our migrant workers?

Five hundred deaths a month. Is that natural?

BOOK REVIEW: FICTION / Tash Aw's 'We, the Survivors' explores the human cost of progress

More than 4,000 wealthy Bangladeshis have invested in Malaysia’s expensive 10-year-residency visa programme. We, the Survivors deserves to be widely read in Bangladesh.

Bangladeshi worker’s posts “deliberately provocative”, Singapore ministry says

A migrant worker who was active in local literary circles and founded two community groups here has left Singapore after his work permit expired and was not renewed.

Recruiting workers: Malaysian minister asked why only 25 Bangladeshi agencies allowed

A Malaysian MP and two migrant rights bodies have asked the southeast Asian country’s Human Resources Minister M Saravanan to explain his decision to allow only 25 Bangladeshi agencies to recruit workers for Malaysia, daily Malay Mail reported today.

A mother's love: Flies to Libya, brings back abducted son

Shahinoor Begum left no stone unturned in the search for her kidnapped son even though everyone told her that there was no hope.

July 16, 2016
July 16, 2016

Bonded labour in Oman?

The Human Rights Watch (HRW) has just released a 68-page report titled “I was sold” that outlines the near-slavery conditions for migrant domestic workers in Oman.

May 9, 2016
May 9, 2016

Undocumented, defrauded

Little did Miraj Munshi know about the misfortune that would befall him. With hopes for a better future, the 35-year-old migrant worker from Comilla joined a construction company in Malaysia in the first week of March.

August 6, 2015
August 6, 2015

How 'Indian worker slapped' shocked an Arab nation

A video of a wealthy-looking Bahraini apparently slapping a man who appears to be a migrant worker has shocked social media users across the country, and now led to several arrests.

June 2, 2015
June 2, 2015

How migrant workers become human trafficking victims in Taiwan

Strolling in narrow alleys near Taipei’s famous Huaxi Street Night Market, it is not difficult to spot lone girls here and there. It just takes a knowing look before they initiate an approach to solicit your business. Let her lead the way and you arrive at a brothel, where girls are called in one by one for your choosing.

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