ancient civilization

Human achievements or alien intervention? 5 mysterious sites that defy explanation

While impressive archaeological remains can be found in many parts of the world, certain sites are imbued with an air of mystery. Here are 5 such mysterious ancient sites that intrigue the masses, scientists, and archaeologists.

Books that changed the world: Gilgamesh through the sands of time

The epic antedates even the depiction of the famous Trojan war; it is, in effect, the oldest epic found till date.

Bosnia's Indiana Jones claims massive stone sphere is sign of ancient civilisation

Semir Osmanagich seems to have made a discovery that sheds light into the ancient civilization in Europe. The giant mysterious sphere embedded in the ground in Bosnia is claimed to be the largest man-made stone ball in Europe, and the oldest in world, dating back more than 1,500 years ago

October 5, 2023
October 5, 2023

Human achievements or alien intervention? 5 mysterious sites that defy explanation

While impressive archaeological remains can be found in many parts of the world, certain sites are imbued with an air of mystery. Here are 5 such mysterious ancient sites that intrigue the masses, scientists, and archaeologists.

October 14, 2021
October 14, 2021

Books that changed the world: Gilgamesh through the sands of time

The epic antedates even the depiction of the famous Trojan war; it is, in effect, the oldest epic found till date.

April 14, 2016
April 14, 2016

Bosnia's Indiana Jones claims massive stone sphere is sign of ancient civilisation

Semir Osmanagich seems to have made a discovery that sheds light into the ancient civilization in Europe. The giant mysterious sphere embedded in the ground in Bosnia is claimed to be the largest man-made stone ball in Europe, and the oldest in world, dating back more than 1,500 years ago

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