
#Perspective / Fighting ageism: Can you allow us to age gracefully, please?

Our unforgiving, superficial society is a lover of beauty, quick to criticise whoever does not fit their stereotypes of grace and elegance. Does it matter that she works 16-hour days? Or, she has just given birth, or gone through surgery?

#Perspective / Wasfia Nazreen: Don’t let ageism break your spirit

The mere fact that Wasfia Nazreen, even with her extraordinary achievements and so many accolades to her name, has to face these needless validations should not come as a surprise to the world, because the reality is that ‘below average mentality’ strikes everywhere, is highly deep-rooted, and pays zero respect to any type of accomplishment.

8 tips to slow down ageing

Ageing is a natural process and try as one may, it is impossible to stop the clock or turn it around. However, there are certain healthy habits, both external and internal, that one can arm themselves with to slow down the process, and age much more gracefully than one would otherwise.

Embracing ageing: In the words of Jamie Lee Curtis

Botox, fillers and plastic surgery. Little nose and lip jobs. A tuck here and a nip there, and a newer, younger face is ready. And it is driving the world crazy. In an effort to outrun age, there are many who are going for all kinds of artificial measures. However, American actress, producer, children's author, and activist Jamie Lee Curtis is here to warn people how dangerous spiralling down that route can be.

October 18, 2023
October 18, 2023

Fighting ageism: Can you allow us to age gracefully, please?

Our unforgiving, superficial society is a lover of beauty, quick to criticise whoever does not fit their stereotypes of grace and elegance. Does it matter that she works 16-hour days? Or, she has just given birth, or gone through surgery?

October 31, 2022
October 31, 2022

Wasfia Nazreen: Don’t let ageism break your spirit

The mere fact that Wasfia Nazreen, even with her extraordinary achievements and so many accolades to her name, has to face these needless validations should not come as a surprise to the world, because the reality is that ‘below average mentality’ strikes everywhere, is highly deep-rooted, and pays zero respect to any type of accomplishment.

October 26, 2022
October 26, 2022

8 tips to slow down ageing

Ageing is a natural process and try as one may, it is impossible to stop the clock or turn it around. However, there are certain healthy habits, both external and internal, that one can arm themselves with to slow down the process, and age much more gracefully than one would otherwise.

October 25, 2022
October 25, 2022

Embracing ageing: In the words of Jamie Lee Curtis

Botox, fillers and plastic surgery. Little nose and lip jobs. A tuck here and a nip there, and a newer, younger face is ready. And it is driving the world crazy. In an effort to outrun age, there are many who are going for all kinds of artificial measures. However, American actress, producer, children's author, and activist Jamie Lee Curtis is here to warn people how dangerous spiralling down that route can be.

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