
A stirring tale in ‘Aagunjatra’

In a tapestry woven with intrigue and human complexity, the play "Aagunjatra" by Indian playwright Mahesh Dattani, adapted and directed by Azad Abul Kalam, is set to command the spotlight at the Examination Theatre Hall of Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy (BSA) on November 10. Representing the 41st presentation by Prachyanat, this theatrical endeavour delves into the intricate lives of hijras, offering a poignant exploration led by the character Uma.

November 10, 2023
November 10, 2023

A stirring tale in ‘Aagunjatra’

In a tapestry woven with intrigue and human complexity, the play "Aagunjatra" by Indian playwright Mahesh Dattani, adapted and directed by Azad Abul Kalam, is set to command the spotlight at the Examination Theatre Hall of Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy (BSA) on November 10. Representing the 41st presentation by Prachyanat, this theatrical endeavour delves into the intricate lives of hijras, offering a poignant exploration led by the character Uma.

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