The Internet

The Internet

Dealing with a parent’s social media addiction

Before, parents used to be concerned about their children's internet habits. Now it's different.

1y ago

YouTube Food Channels with a Twist

There’s something about food that makes us happy. We just love it. We love eating it, we love smelling it, and if YouTube views are to

4y ago

Five stages of dealing with clickbait

Anyone who’s been online long enough knows that most surface-level content on the internet is hogwash. And the worst of it all—the absolute bottom of the barrel—is clickbait.

5y ago

Reviewing why we watch reviews

A couple days ago my mother walked into my room while I was watching a web series online.

5y ago


Information sounds like quite a broad term, but to survive in this digital era of social media and smartphones, it is definitely a necessity.

5y ago

The bad influence of influencers

Bangladesh has recently seen an influx of social media influencers, making it one of the most up and coming career options for the youth.

5y ago

An argument for social media

Social media has been under attack since its inception. It’s a useless tool that wastes our time and makes us lose touch with reality.

5y ago

The story of a social networking app

Hi, my name is Snapshoot. I was a social networking app that had once been on the top, and now I’m rolling down in the mud, trying to cling on so that I don’t fall into the grave Facecopy dug for me.

5y ago

Internet hoaxes you wish were true

Facebook is flooded with fake profiles. Every now and then, we are bound to receive a friend request from one of these fake accounts. No one really cares if Neel Akash Sada Magh

5y ago

Smartphones, social media and the Trojan War

An aesthetic picture of the beautiful coast of Sparta with the caption “On a peace mission as the delegate of Troy”, Prince Hector's Instagram post saw over a hundred thousand likes with thousands congratulating him on the occasion. Agamemnon was the only one who commented curse words with an angry-faced emoji.

5y ago

BYLCx: A new spin on online education

Online learning has always been a mixed bag in Bangladesh. Even though there are platforms that are doing well, there are few who can be comprehensive in what they teach due to the very nature of the product. This is where BYLCx comes in. This is BYLC's (Bangladesh Youth Leadership Center) online platform, which has recently been revamped to include 25 full-fledged courses.

5y ago

Weird gigs on the internet

The internet is a mysterious place. At times, it offers you cute pictures of cats and dogs and at other times, it makes you question the sanity of some people.

5y ago


The contemporary let's play phenomenon that took the world by storm brought with it a long withstanding culture. Watching someone's favorite streamer play on platforms such as Twitch and YouTube has become the preferred leisure activity of many.

5y ago

How to get the best out of online courses and tutorials

The internet has blessed us with different online learning platforms where one can have the access to vast amount of resource materials to enhance their knowledge and to help them develop new skills.

5y ago

TheLazylazyme: When indie is life

Are you a hardcore indie music fan? Are your favourite songs from artists or bands that most of your friends have never heard of? Then this YouTube channel is for you.

5y ago

A chat over coffee with the food bloggers

Last Wednesday, in the suave setting of North End Coffee Roasters inside Lakeshore Gulshan, SHOUT met with a few individuals from the budding Bangladeshi Instagram food blogging scene. At the scene, the idea that food blogging needs to be about pictures and stories of expensive food, was the first myth they wished to bust.

5y ago

The Best Things about Internet Friends

I remember the first time I joined social media, my parents and relatives had delivered an entire sermon on why I shouldn't be befriending unknown people on the internet. Their descriptions caused me to think of malicious, perverted old men every time the term 'internet friends' was mentioned in front of me. However, over the years, after I learned to distinguish shady internet people from the genuinely good ones

5y ago

Online Gaming Group Etiquette

There are lots of groups on social media where gamers share their collective passion of videogames. More often than not, however, gamers get a little too passionate and turn the groups into toxic wastelands. Here are some scenarios that are very likely to trigger gamers and a guide on how not to behave in such contexts.

6y ago
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