

The Aftermath of Dyeing Your Hair

Her wallet screamed.

1y ago

Do shaved legs make you a better cyclist?

Being a pro-cyclist and getting to the top of your game means intense workout sessions and countless hours of practice.

4y ago

The Problem With Titles

Titles are always catchy, and seemingly informative. We have all previously been guilty of reading the title of an article and at least believing it, if not sharing it.

4y ago

How to Prepare for a Pupper

So you’ve made the wondrous decision of bringing home a puppy. Be prepared as a bundle of joy comes into your life and brightens it up. Although this is possibly the best thing that could ever happen to you, this little drop of heaven needs to be raised in the proper way so you can keep them safe and happy.

4y ago

Being ridiculously forgetful

While some of us are born with the ability to remember a face upon one meeting and the ability to memorise pages worth of information upon a glance, some of us were born with the memory of a goldfish.

4y ago

The real 21st century existential crisis

It took me some time to wrap my head around what was happening. That night, I was casually scrolling through my Facebook newsfeed when suddenly,

4y ago

Debunking myths about women on their periods

The only reason such myths exist is because people aren't given this knowledge.

4y ago

A day in the life of a K-pop fangirl

I’ve been unceremoniously awoken on a Friday morning by a nightmare. My bias (favourite member of a group) has been rushed to the hospital after an ankle injury.

4y ago

Honest Beauty Pageant Responses

Beauty pageants were always an interesting affair, even before the Miss Bangladesh contest propelled them to national attention.

5y ago

Struggles of the Mathematically Challenged

I have never been great at math. Let's just get that out of the way. Am I the one who looks around helplessly to friends when the waiter approaches with the bill because I have no clue what my share is?

5y ago

Jewellery for the soul

Politicians like Angela Merkel and Hillary Clinton use jewellery to project a certain image, many brides in South Asian countries wear, or are made to wear...

5y ago

Phobias you don't know you have

Were you one of those kids in school who bragged about not having any fears? Smirked at people and shamed them for being afraid of heights or spiders? Well, chances are you're not exactly Braveheart yourself. Here's a list of uncommon phobias you may actually have but aren't aware of yet.

5y ago

Bad artist habits to avoid

Being an artist is hard. It requires an immense amount of patience and determination and sometimes we develop bad habits which make it even harder. A few of these have been discussed below.

5y ago

A day in the life of a traffic light

Today I saw a little girl holding her mother's hand and trying to cross the road. I think she was going to school.

5y ago

Stages of using Internet Explorer

One sunny afternoon, I notice the icons on my computer and started reminiscing about the days I used to use Internet Explorer.

5y ago

A rant on rush trips

Before we criticise and praise the different aspects of a “rush trip”, we need to define it. Any trip that tries to cover multiple distant places in the shortest possible timeframe and the least possible expense can be regarded as a rush trip.

5y ago

This is how you become a good listener

It's nice to be heard, and even nicer to be a good listener for a friend, at least for the friend. Many of us think we are good listeners, but in reality we are not. In fact, many of us are absolutely terrible listeners and don't even realise it. This problem can, however, be fixed.

5y ago

Tantrums you have as you approach graduation

You're almost there. You have toiled away for nearly the last four years and the finish line is now so close it's almost tangible.

5y ago
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