A Closer Look

A Closer Look

Dhaka's toxic air: An invisible killer on the loose

Dhaka's air did not become unbreathable overnight, nor is there any instant solution to it.

2d ago

Women breaking the glass ceiling? Not so much in sports

In Bangladesh, we have a long way to go in encouraging, promoting and creating a conducive ecosystem for the inclusion of more women in sports.

2w ago

Israel is rogue, but Iran must demonstrate restraint 

It remains to be seen what Israel does with its replenished weapons inventory.

4w ago

How we are missing out on higher remittances

Do we have the vision and political will to accelerate change and make the most of the opportunities that are about to unfold?

1m ago

Civil war in Myanmar: Bangladesh should beef up border security

Some 264 members of Myanmar’s border and security forces have entered the Bangladesh side illegally to escape fighting

3m ago

ICJ interim ruling on Israel’s war on Gaza: Unsurprisingly disappointing

Still, it has the potential to force the much-needed ceasefire by creating sufficient pressure on Israel's key allies.

3m ago

Israel is stoking Iran’s wrath

Is Israel's desire for dominance in the region the only factor behind wanting to take the war to Iran?

3m ago

As civil order crumbles in Myanmar, Bangladesh should be alert

If Myanmar’s civil war continues on its current course, there could be ripple effects on Bangladesh and other neighbouring countries.

4m ago

With the new HSIA terminal comes greater responsibilities

That a 12-year-old managed to breach at least five layers of security at Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport comes as no surprise

8m ago

With digital banks, we must proceed with caution

Launching digital banks could be a major positive milestone for the nation, but it could also turn into a digital nightmare.

8m ago

To develop tourism, give it a separate ministry

We need a shift away from how we currently view tourism.

8m ago

Drowning in a sea of distressed assets

It is high time our authorities dealt with loan defaulters and money launderers with utmost importance.

9m ago

Dengue situation shows why our health sector needs an overhaul

The authorities should investigate and identify what has brought this sector to its knees.

9m ago

The untold plight of young medical professionals over paltry pay

The lives of postgraduate trainee doctors and young medical professionals in general are riddled with struggles.

9m ago

The Manipur incident speaks volumes about the fate of minority women

The way the state government has handled the delicate situation in Manipur comes off as an attempt to implement the policy of polarisation that ends with minority suppression.

10m ago

Integrity does not deserve persecution

It seems that some kind of infectious cancerous disease has infected all our systems.

10m ago

Tamim’s retirement saga shows why BCB must change

The rough way in which even stalwarts like Tamim and Shakib are handled speaks volumes about the overall mistreatment of players by the BCB.

10m ago

Bangladesh tops the wrong ranking, again

Drug lords are finding innovative ways – including manipulating the desperate Rohingya refugees – and new routes to bring drugs into the country.

10m ago
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