Life Style

Life Style

#Perspective / Roasting 101: Why Bangladeshis are loving this bold new comedy trend

The echo of laughter through a crowded room after a sharp comedic jab is becoming increasingly common in Bangladesh, where joking about political figures once might have attracted “unwanted attention.”

1d ago

#Decor / Modern minimalism: Because who needs clutter in the dining room?

Ancient minimalism focused on living with fewer possessions and distractions. Modern minimalism goes beyond that. It is about making the most out of what you have, spiritually and also materialistically.

1d ago

5 movies that teach entrepreneurs more than business school ever could

While we enjoy movies of all sorts from thriller to comedy, some actually give us invaluable life lessons. If you are an entrepreneur or someone who wants to take on that path, these movies are definitely for you to watch.

1d ago

Free classes, no flexibility required! A banker’s unlikely yoga mission

As the soft rays of the sun peek through the trees at Dhanmondi Lake, a group of women spread their yoga mats. Md Rokanuzzaman Tutul, their instructor, fusses over the arrangement of mats, ensuring ample space is available for effective movement. This is the usual scenario you may encounter if you happen to visit Dhanmondi Lake on a fine morning.

1d ago

Do you really need that third pair of shoes? The ‘No Buy’ year challenge explained

It is safe to say that the word "saving" is the same as asking us to do sit-ups every other minute. Yes, you do come across an offer that you end up believing is the deal of the century. The rush of adding an item to your shopping cart feels almost irresistible, but some brave souls have chosen a more radical approach: a 'No Buy' year.

2d ago

Be the person everyone remembers! 7 steps to a perfect first impression

Studies show that first impressions are usually formed within just 17 seconds of meeting someone new. This can be intimidating considering you might think you have no control over these 17 seconds. What if you did have control over making a good first impression?

2d ago

Why settle for beige? Embrace the colours in your wardrobe and makeup

Bright colours dominate beauty trends, with bold hues on lips, cheeks, and eyes. Designers’ Spring and Fall collections feature vibrant shades like wild strawberry and jungle green. Graphic cat eyes and colourful blushes enhance playful, youthful looks.

5d ago

#Perspective / Radio’s last stand: Can FM survive in a digital world?

Like many traditional media, FM radio has struggled to maintain its once-strong relevance in the face of rapid digitalisation, changing listener habits, and the rise of online streaming platforms.

5d ago

#Press Releases / Le Reve launches new Fall Collection 2024

Le Reve, one of the country's leading fashion and lifestyle brands, has launched its brand-new Fall Collection 2024. This collection blends the colours of fall with the season’s latest trendy patterns, emphasising both comfort and print stories inspired by international fashion weeks.

Calm amidst the chaos: Book and study cafes in the capital

From classes to coaching and then back to many of our boisterous families, students may struggle to find a place of quiet to rest or self-study in peace. However, the collective struggle of the student population has given rise to multitudes of reading/study cafes around the city where you can go to catch your breath.

Why your job shouldn’t be your only relationship

With the increasing demands of today’s work culture, the boundaries between work and personal life seems to have blurred and most of us are burned out without even realising it.

Flood relief: When art speaks louder than words

In a heart-warming display of compassion, artists across Bangladesh are stepping forward, using their talents to support those affected by the floods.

3w ago

Salads under Tk 150: Budget-friendly options that pack a flavour punch

Looking for delicious salads that will not break the bank? You’re in luck! These budget-friendly recipes, each under Tk 150, are packed with flavour and freshness.

3w ago

Understanding your child's speech development: Insights from a speech pathologist

Parents often worry when their child's speech seems to deviate from typical patterns. In this article, we will explore common parental concerns about speech development, with insights from Toukir Rahman Dhruvo, a seasoned Audiologist and Speech Language Pathologist from Shono Bangladesh.

3w ago

Youth wellbeing: More than just a trendy hashtag

Physical wellbeing and mental wellbeing are inextricably linked. To empower our youth with the knowledge and skills needed to be healthy in mind, body and spirit, a systems approach must be adopted.

3w ago

Emojis: cute, convenient, and killing our communication skills

Amidst the light-hearted nature of emojis, it does beg the question of whether they are slowly and eventually changing the way we express emotions. Are we headed into a world where words are being replaced with emojis?

3w ago

Butterflies or blindness? Decoding love at first sight

We all know those meet-cutes: All it took was one gaze across a jam-packed event or restaurant and within seconds, they knew they had found “the one.” Of course, that sounds wonderful. After all, it is the subject of countless romantic books and movies. But, do people truly fall in love at first sight or is it an imaginary tale?

3w ago

Students vs society: Why our kids need more than just grades

I’m not here to take sides, but I want to ask: Why are we so quick to question the students when reports started coming in of some crossing the line?

4w ago

How to identify fake news

Fake news existed even before the internet, but with the World Wide Web and social media, the problem has been elevated to a whole different level. Add to that the protests and volatility Bangladesh — and many other places in the world – have been witnessing, what you have is a breeding ground for fake news.

4w ago

Tourism in turmoil: How political unrest and floods crippled Bangladesh

Currently, the Bangladeshi tourism sector is witnessing unprecedented problems. While this was supposed to be one of the peak seasons, due to the recent political situation and the current flood that is sweeping many parts of the country, the hospitality industry seems to have come to a standstill.

4w ago

Non-resident Bangladeshi voices in the Anti-Discrimination Student Movement

Bangladesh has recently witnessed extraordinary times. In July 2024, what began as a student movement demanding a restructuring of the government job quota system escalated into a countrywide mass movement for equality, justice, and democratic freedom.

1m ago