Nadera Naeema Ohi

Why do we attach our self-worth to achievements?

Explore overcoming the harmful belief that self-worth is tied to achievements and finding genuine self-acceptance.

3d ago

Maintaining a sense of freedom in a controlling household

Going out with friends, choosing a job, how to spend their time, what to wear, or speaking their minds are just parts of life, not rights to be punished for wanting.

1m ago

How you can get into Dungeons & Dragons

The most popular tabletop-roleplaying game in the world does not, in fact, even require a tabletop

2m ago

The role of envy in a student’s life

It's easy to compare yourself to people you think are better than you.

2m ago

The struggles of being older than your peers

For most students, having a close group of friends from childhood, especially with varying ages, ensures that they never end up feeling very different for their own age.

4m ago

On the nuances of discipline

Discipline rarely comes easy, and each person faces a different challenge when trying to find what works for them.

5m ago

The key to balancing extracurricular activities and academics

In our cultural landscape, it's most common to be deterred from doing extracurricular activities (ECAs).

6m ago

Is being part of a school club worth it?

Running a club might not be the dream for everyone, or as impactful in the long-term as we might hear.

7m ago
July 18, 2023
July 18, 2023

How to fall back in love with music

Your mindset might just have shifted to consuming songs as a chore, not a fun hobby.

February 28, 2023
February 28, 2023

It is okay to want a simpler life

It can be just as hard to accept that you deserve a more peaceful life as it is to keep toiling away.

February 21, 2023
February 21, 2023

The effects of long-term cramming

Cramming can often be the only way a person knows how to study.

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