Antara Raisa Rahman

“So much can change in a matter of seconds.”

After a long night of binge watching season one and waiting desperately for months to watch the second, The Umbrella Academy has been in the back of my mind for a while now.

3y ago

Eid dishes I will miss this year

I am not much of a foodie. Like Josh Hutcherson playing the mean older brother in Zathura, the only thing I do know how to prepare (perfectly) is water.

4y ago

The Great Gridlock

Rashed tried to remain as courteous as possible, and looked for the man’s bags. After only five minutes in the crowd, Mr. Chowdhury yelled, “Ridiculous! I’ll wait in the executive lounge for first class passengers. You let me know after the luggage is here and you have called my cars.”

4y ago

Is it the internet or is it just your mom?

The internet has been around for as long as we can remember. And although our relationship with the internet has changed over the years, its ability to be there for us when we need it has not.

5y ago

Stages of using Internet Explorer

One sunny afternoon, I notice the icons on my computer and started reminiscing about the days I used to use Internet Explorer.

5y ago

Vacationing Abroad

A trip abroad is always a breath of fresh air for everyone. From sightseeing to exploring ruins till sunrise, the expectations are endless. Sadly, reality doesn't always meet our demands.

5y ago

Types of Children in Horror Movies

Since directors have mastered the art of using delightful creatures to haunt our nightmares, you'll often find children playing terrifying roles in horror movies.

5y ago


Every morning, I expect to wake up curled up in my lep feeling warm and cosy like a butterfly in my cocoon. But as soon as I wake up, I realise that it's colder than I expected.

5y ago
December 13, 2018
December 13, 2018


Bookstores are like literary heaven for readers. And as readers, there are always a few bookstores that become our happy place over time.

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