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     Volume 6 Issue 16 | April 27, 2007 |

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Fruits of Lay Boar


Previous government ministers said one thing today and another the day after
So much so that their utterances became a matter of public snide and laughter
And just look what happened to them
They phoned TV and newspaper offices not to vent some particular news
Because supposedly the statement of a person was against sarkari views
And just look what happened to them
The country was hostage to wide, blatant and the highest form of nepotism
Wife, children, brother, sister, driver, bua cast on them a spell of hypnotism
And just look what happened to them
Many matters of vital national interest they conducted in total secrecy
Prodded by a battery of journalists they always said, 'just await and see'
And just look what happened to them
They made it a habit to harass their political, business and social opponent
Believing that they would remain forever in their nurtured government
And just look what happened to them
Law enforcers under their dictate tortured mercilessly those that were arrested
Pecuniary len-den facilitated chronic hospital visits where VVIPs were rested
And just look what happened to them
Their 'yes' bureaucracy was always rather fluid and fitted into any given paat
With change in regime the same civil servants (sorry) converted day into raat
And just look what happened to them
They took into custody political adversaries under various reason and rhyme
Out of sweet will they released others who committed even bigger a crime
And just look what happened to them
The blindfolded lady was made to peep from behind the transparent black cloth
The guilty was set free; the blameless a victim of justice eroding into a froth
And just look what happened to them
Come each national budget two-faced tota birds eulogised the powers that be
“That never before in the history of mankind had one been so people-friendly”
And just look what happened to them
They never changed their stance even though the fall of predecessors they saw
Sadly, the state they considered the kept property of their abba huzur-in-law
And just look what happened to them
To fulfil people's desire and for the true sons of the soil to be posthumously rewarded
In future the above vices and many more will have to be consciously avoided
It will then be history -- “And just look what happened to them”

Copyright (R) thedailystar.net 2007