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     Volume 6 Issue 20 | May 25, 2007 |

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Dhaka Diary

Playing with Money

The rays of the mid-summer sun pierced into my skin as I walked down the footpath. "Aabeer bhai, Aabeer bhai, wait," someone was calling me from behind. I turned around to find a group of three or four boys from my school. They were in class seven or eight. "Can you do us a favour?” They asked. “Can you lend us a hundred Takas?" An odd request. "Why?" I couldn't help asking. "We were pick-pocketed." "All of you were?” I asked, a little suspicious of their true intentions. “Come on, tell me the truth." "We were at a pool centre, where we lost the matches and played our money away,” replied one of the boys, hesitating a little. I was shocked. "You gambled away all your money playing pool!" I exclaimed in amazement. "Not really,” the boys tried to explain. “We played away the money," they argued, without any sign of shame or guilt. "I'm sorry, I can't lend you the money." I walked away without waiting for a reply. As I walked to my destination, I was wondering what these pool-centres were actually up to. Schoolboys gambling away their money, sometimes even mobile phones and ipods in the name of playing pool. There have also been incidents of mugging within the premises of the pool-centres. I believe it is high time that the higher authorities take the initiative to look in to pool centres and other places where minors tend to hang out after classes. These children should not be allowed to stay or hang out in such environments where they are exposed to crimes and other illegal activities.

West Dhanmondi

The Pleasure of Sharing

few days ago, I was attending the marriage ceremony of one of my cousins. The feast was at lunchtime and after having the delicious Biryani, I along with my friend went outside the hall room in search of something cool to drink. In the unbearable summer heat, my friend ordered two cold drinks for us. When I was sipping my drink from the bottle I felt something touching me by my side. I looked down and found an adorable two-year-old street urchin, wearing only a pair of shorts. Looking at him, I could not help feeling a rush of compassion and simply handed over the cold drink to him. He took it eagerly and started to drink it little by little. I was watching him as he was happily enjoying the drink. Even the shopkeeper was watching the boy with interest. I had never seen anybody enjoying a simple drink so much. I guess sharing only increases one's pleasure and makes one truly satisfied.
Md Sohel Hara

Olympia Palace restaurant
Topkhana Road

Being a Responsible Citizen

It was around 11 in the night when my mother and I were returning hone together. The roadside shops were all closed down. Suddenly I noticed a bag filled with packets of chips lying outside one of the grocery stores. Most probably, the shopkeeper had been in a hurry and forgot to put the bag inside the shop. I felt pity for the shopkeeper and figured that this bag would be stolen overnight. Just then, a guard from a nearby house came to the shop and took the bag to a nearby laundry store, which was still open. He asked the owner of the laundry to keep the bag in this shop and return it to the grocery store owner. It was as relief to see that we still have citizens who feel responsible for their fellow citizens in Bangladesh.

Jafrin Jahed Jiti

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