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September 21, 2003 

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Lawyers must strive to uphold professional dignity

M. Shamsul Haque

Last couple of years as it was found that the dignity and gravity of the highest institution of the Judiciary of our country was wave aside. Slum people were deployed to be seated around the Supreme Court building, boot-shorts on it's ventricle, chanting slogans within its four walls, walloping the doors and windows, all these wretched events were administered in a place where persons with high dignity are congregated every day. All these events achieved nothing but created chasms between the lawyers, which culminated to violence rocks in Dhaka Judge Court resulting 87 injured. What a misfortune!

People witness this unpleasant situation. One of my acquainted shopkeepers having a newspaper in his hand exclaimed that the illiterates are far better than those lawyers. My helpless eyes were regulated to his face but I could not say anything.

I wonder! The hands of a lawyer where the pen has been placed how that can be used to administer stones, bombs and scuffling. Presumably, the politics of now a day inspired a few lawyers to be tuned to the nugatory political culture. It is alarming to the whole lawyers society, even to the entire nation.

I may be excused to remind here that the lawyers are the part and parcel of the judiciary; and the judiciary is the last resort of justice. A lawyer being equipped with knowledge, dignity, integrity, honesty, and high ethical standings with patience and respecting attitude to others cannot treat politics unlike a blunt or layman. They must not be a party to a commotion of violence because people trust them and their profession bears a tradition.
Unfortunately some of the lawyers of our country work as political activist for getting undue favour. They see everything unilaterally for the purpose of serving their party men outstripping their conscience and feelings of right or wrong. It is harsh but true that some of this type of lawyers have earned fame in the country. In my humble way I would like to say that the eminent lawyers may enrich political parties but a political party may not glorify the lawyers, though can make them politicians.

I am afraid things are dark ahead. Time has not yet been elapsed; the lawyers should extend their hands of unity to each other irrespective of political affinities, at least for the sake of social peace and order. Of course, I do not mean for leaving aside the politics by the lawyers but it should be regulated within the scarf of mannerism.

Lastly I beg to appeal to the senior most leading lawyers to have an effective strive for panting the unity of the lawyers of the country and to stop splashing so that the society as a whole may not fall into a catatonic trance.

M. Shamsul Haque is an Advocate of the Supreme Court.


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