
<%-- Page Title--%> Letters <%-- End Page Title--%>

<%-- Volume Number --%> Vol 1 Num 149 <%-- End Volume Number --%>

April 9, 2004

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An Outrageous Cover story
Maybe you guys are scared that your office will be bombed if you are neutral, but, that does not give you the right to rewrite history in whichever way your writers perceive it. Your cover story titled "Stuck at Zero" was outrageous. I think this is the most partisan article to ever come out of your esteemed magazine. How could you publish something that is so obviously pro-BNP? You're talking about our liberation war, for crying out loud! BNP didn't even exist at the time! Not only is the article a pro-BNP one blaming most debacles of the country on AL it also makes broad generalisations. The writer, Ahmede Hussain, needs some training in the history of developing countries. As a fan of SWM, I am extremely disappointed. I had always thought of SWM as one that places neutrality above all. It takes years to create a good image, but takes just one mistake to tarnish it. So, not only is the article partisan, and full of broad generalisations, it is also very poorly researched.
Mahbub Reza
On email

On Your Cover Story
Your cover story on our politics after 33 years of our Independence, "Stuck at Zero" was shamelessly pro-Awami League. The writer, Ahmede Hussain, it seems has gobbled every history-book written by intellectuals belonging to the opposition party and has vomited it on your magazine's pages. It is quite surprising that the writer has heavily criticised Shaheed president Ziaur Rahman's rule, which in every sense was the golden period in our political history. It is indeed surprising that the Daily Star and newspapers of it's creed criticise the Shaheed president whenever they get the chance, but usually turn a blind eye to the very fact that Zia introduced democracy in Bangladesh, which was killed by Mujib and his followers. Ahmede Hussain should be punished for spitting venom against the person who declared our independence.
Saddat Hassan

On "Stuck at Zero"
I am rather shocked to see your report on our 33 years' journey from independence. Specifically, what surprises me is your effrontery at rewriting the history of Bangladesh, without even looking into the primary sources. Ahmede Hussain's "Stuck at Zero" contains no in-depth research but just some generalisations made from the author's own eyes. This is particularly unforgiving, given your issue comes at a time when we are celebrating the independence of our nation.
Adnan, USA
On email

About our Independent Country
First, a lot of thanks to all the members of the SWM staff, especially to Mustafa Zaman who illustrates the contemporary condition of our country. Our government claims that, in their initial stages, they will take important steps to protect us from extortion, but we have no evidence of their effort. The percentage of crime has increased tenfold. The reputation of our country diminishes everyday. Now, I think the prime minister must annul all the rules and regulation of her party and get rid of those cabinet ministers who are the main culprits of extortion.
Istiaque Hossain

Exact Scenario of Bangladesh
A special thanks to the editor of SWM for presenting a real cover story about Bangladesh and its history. I am also grateful to the writers. These articles all exceeded my expectations. "Stuck at Zero" by Ahmede Hussain depicted the history of Bangladesh from its birth in 1971 till now. The writer seemed to be unbiased and was able to illustrate what happened as accurately as possible. Shamim Ahsan’s article on economy gives us a basic guideline on the economic situation of our country. I also am in agreement with Dr. Atiur Rahman on his vision of foreign investors. The local investors and businessmen also have to suffer similar problems. We achieved freedom by sacrificing our lives. Now we all must fight to make our motherland free from corruption, to build a prosperous Bangladesh.
Minhaz, Mohakhali
On email

Our Police Department
Our police department is supposed to be one of the main law-enforcing agencies in the nation. Their task is to ensure the security of the citizen, but most people have bitter experience with the police. We all know about the unprecedented corruption within the police force, which is affecting the nation and aiding in giving us the label of the most corrupt nation in the world. The problem is that the police are ignorant and do not know any better, but my question is that if this problem prevails, how will we better our nation, and how will we ever have any sense of security when our police force is working alongside criminals rather than crime busting? Instead they will take bribes without upholding justice? Where can we go from here?
M. Razu Admed
Dhaka University

The attack on Humayun Azad
The fact that nearly a month and half after the attack on Humayun Azad the police have failed to nab the culprits is surprising. What surprises me more is that the main opposition, otherwise famous for calling general strikes even at the most insignificant pretexts, has so far remained unmistakably silent. When poet Shamsur Rahman was attacked, the Awami League made it a big political issue. But now, it seems, the party has decided to give the ruling party an open net to score its political goal. More turbid is the way the ruling coalition has been handling the situation. It seems the BNP is bent on defending its long-term political friend, the Jamaat, even, if that is at the expense of power.

Nilotpal Dev Ratul

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