Trust goes down the drain
THE Muktijodhya Kalyan Trust at one time managed a portfolio of profitable ventures that materially helped freedom fighters besides generating considerable revenue for the government. Sadly, times have changed. Neglect by governments has resulted in loss of millions to the national exchequer as revenues have dwindled and many of the business ventures like Tabanai beverages that used to make Coca Cola has been shut down. We see the same negligence with landmark building like Gulistan cinema hall where allegedly the contracting firm has left the complex unfinished and yet collected proceeds by selling property in advance.
Many of companies under the Trust never got off the ground, whilst others like the Trust hospital in Mirpur lie unused with equipment and vehicles rusting away. What has come to light is a series of dubious dealings when it came to off loading public property. Mismanagement and a lack of professionalism in leasing out property or handing out contracts to build commercial ventures smack of graft and nepotism and very little has been done to bring errant contractors to book.
Governments have come and gone but little has been done to professionally run valuable property and commercial undertakings of the Trust. It is ironic that as we celebrate the 44th year of Independence, the Trust founded by the father of the nation for the benefit of freedom fighters lies in shambles.