legal education

Is legal education in private universities truly substandard?

A broad-brush branding of the quality of legal education in private universities may please many and may perpetuate some myths, but probably would make little contribution to the improvement of the real quality of education. It would also fail to respond to the irregularities or lackings. Rather, any perception-based, dismissive attitude would accentuate a futile categorisation which would not be conducive for any meaningful, rigorous assessment.

Law Letter / To improve legal education

This is undeniable that the quality of legal education in Bangladesh has been failing to satisfy the global standard of studying law. The general misunderstanding about the concept of university education may be the major cause of this failure.

June 4, 2016
June 4, 2016

Is legal education in private universities truly substandard?

A broad-brush branding of the quality of legal education in private universities may please many and may perpetuate some myths, but probably would make little contribution to the improvement of the real quality of education. It would also fail to respond to the irregularities or lackings. Rather, any perception-based, dismissive attitude would accentuate a futile categorisation which would not be conducive for any meaningful, rigorous assessment.

February 17, 2015
February 17, 2015

To improve legal education

This is undeniable that the quality of legal education in Bangladesh has been failing to satisfy the global standard of studying law. The general misunderstanding about the concept of university education may be the major cause of this failure.

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