Hill people

Implementing the CHT Accord for a non-communal Bangladesh

The Adibashis epitomise some of the clearest manifestations of the pluricultural and multilingual heritage of Bangladesh.

Trekking 12kms a day for water

Purna Mala Tanchangya straps a basket on her back and carries as many pots and pans as possible to go and collect water at least twice a day from a well that is about two to three kilometres away.

December 2, 2022
December 2, 2022

Implementing the CHT Accord for a non-communal Bangladesh

The Adibashis epitomise some of the clearest manifestations of the pluricultural and multilingual heritage of Bangladesh.

April 30, 2019
April 30, 2019

Trekking 12kms a day for water

Purna Mala Tanchangya straps a basket on her back and carries as many pots and pans as possible to go and collect water at least twice a day from a well that is about two to three kilometres away.

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