Bhashantek Slum

Illegal Gas, Power Connections: Syndicates make huge money from 3 slums

Illegal gas and power lines pose serious dangers to around 1.55 lakh people living in three slums of the capital -- Korail Bosti in Mohakhali, Bhasantek Bosti and Chalantika Bosti in Mirpur.

Less for more: Living in slum (video)

A slum dweller in the capital's Bhashantek area has to pay at least Tk 2000 for a 10-feet by 10-feet tin shed room with no ready amenities.

Living in slum: Where money can’t get you enough drinking water

Bhashantek slum residents are being deprived of the facilities as well as their fundamental rights, despite paying five times higher than the other Dhaka city dwellers pay for getting minimum facilities of sanitation and waste management.

August 31, 2019
August 31, 2019

Illegal Gas, Power Connections: Syndicates make huge money from 3 slums

Illegal gas and power lines pose serious dangers to around 1.55 lakh people living in three slums of the capital -- Korail Bosti in Mohakhali, Bhasantek Bosti and Chalantika Bosti in Mirpur.

June 1, 2015
June 1, 2015

Less for more: Living in slum (video)

A slum dweller in the capital's Bhashantek area has to pay at least Tk 2000 for a 10-feet by 10-feet tin shed room with no ready amenities.

May 25, 2015
May 25, 2015

Living in slum: Where money can’t get you enough drinking water

Bhashantek slum residents are being deprived of the facilities as well as their fundamental rights, despite paying five times higher than the other Dhaka city dwellers pay for getting minimum facilities of sanitation and waste management.

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