Published on 12:00 AM, September 13, 2018

Board-less games for when you're bored

Get off your computers and spend some quality time with friends or family by playing some of these fun and easy games anytime, anywhere.



What you need is a cellphone and some headphones. Choose a song (not Despacito) that is really loud. Each person takes turns to wear the headphones and turn the volume up high enough so they can't hear anything other than the music. One person chooses a sentence to say out loud. The person with the headphones on then has to read the lips of the person talking and figure out what they're saying. They must then pass on the headphones to someone else and the previous person now has to say the sentence they think is correct. This is repeated until the last person has read the lips of someone. He/she then, has to say out loud what they think the original sentence is. The sentence usually gets messed up badly and the end result is hilarious.



Although there are different versions of this, the game is quite a simple one. First, make two teams. Then decide on a theme. It might be movies, books, personalities, food —anything. Keeping that in mind, one team has to choose a word or phrase and reveal it to only one of the members of the other team. The person then has to draw on a piece of paper what they were told and their team members have to guess what it is. Each team takes turns until all members have drawn at least once. The team with the most number of correct guesses wins.



This is an extremely simple yet interesting game. Sit in a circle or around a table. Each person has to share two facts about themselves and one lie. The more absurd the things you say, the better. This game might help you figure out just how good of a liar you are, or it might teach you how bad you are at catching people lying.



If you're tired of gaaner koli but still love singing games, this is perfect for you. Separate into two teams. One team chooses a random word and the other team has to sing a song with that word in the lyrics. Take turns and repeat for as long as you want. To make things more competitive, teams could try to sing as many songs with that one word as they can, and the team that can think of the most number of songs wins.



Take a few pieces of paper and write "murderer" on one, "detective" on another, and leave the rest blank. The person who gets the "detective" paper must tell everyone his role. Then everyone closes their eyes. Meanwhile, the murderer sneakily touches a "victim" and goes back to their spot. Everyone opens their eyes and the victim reveals that they have been "murdered". The detective then has to question everyone to find out who the murderer is. Only the murderer can lie while the rest tell the truth.


Mayabee Arannya is a confused soul still searching for a purpose. Give her advice on life at