No report on ‘missed calls’ from Indonesian passenger
Malaysia Deputy Transport Minister Abdul Aziz Kaprawi on Sunday denied receiving a report from an Indonesian family claiming that they had received "missed calls" from Firman Candra Siregar who was on board the missing MH370 plane.
Aziz was talking to an Indonesian online news portal quoting the victim's sister January Siregar as saying that she received missed calls on March 11 and March 13 from her younger brother via Skype on her iPad after the aircraft went missing on March 8, reports Malaysian daily The Star Online.
The minister said that the government has not heard from the Indonesian authorities regarding the matter.
He also urged the public not to believe everything they read on news portals as the information posted were sometimes unverified, unconfirmed and could be misleading, the daily reported.
"All the latest developments and information regarding MH370 are delivered to the family members through daily briefings by acting Transport Minister Hishammuddin Hussein and the relevant authorities.
He was speaking to reporters after launching a smiling campaign at the Parit Raja Pasar Tani here.
The online portal also reported that January was awaiting a reply from the Malaysian government and MAS over her report to the authorities on the "missed calls".