Passion for Cars
We asked around and found like-minded car enthusiasts who share the same passion for cars and bikes that we have. We asked them why they love cars, and this is what they gave us.
Saurin A Rahman
"The moving mechanical parts in an engine in harmony, the sound and power and the smell of petrol, all leave an impression on a car enthusiast, just like a good musical instrument does to a musician or artist."
Saurin is currently finishing his MBA from BRAC University and has worked at Rahimafrooz. Usually found making DIY modifications to his Toyota Axio.
Anika Anjum
“It is self-explanatory, really. The tire screeches, the hum of the engine, the moving mechanical parts--they all vouch for themselves. The thrill of being in control, wearing a car like a jacket, is truly accepting. Plus, they have little complications unlike humans; attachment with them is much easier.”
Anika studies Economics at BRAC University and is a certified car nut, having been a forum moderator at Her technical knowledge of her Toyota Starlet and almost any other car can put an average car geek to shame.
Mohammad Ishtiaque
“I love cars for the passion of the motor, the design, the thrill of it. For the ridiculous love of the curves of a Ferrari F40, for the growl of the spinning turbo under the bonnet of a Toyota Supra, for the roar of a Lambo Gallardo. I love it because it's something natural, because it is a part of who I am, a petrol head.”
Ishtiaque is one of the countless teenagers in Dhaka who are obsessed about cars and feeds off on images and articles on the internet. He is currently studying for his SSC and it'll be a few more years at least before he can venture out onto the road.
Aadnan Zaman
“My early love of cars led me into the local car scene at a young age. Growing up watching the automotive world evolve, around fellow car enthusiasts and watching three British men by the name of Jeremy Clarkson, James May and Richard Hammond on television, it wasn't too long before cars became the centre of my world.”
Aadnan is giving his A levels, and he's an official photographer of R3V, one of the more popular car clubs in Dhaka. Most of his status updates on Facevook revolve around him trying to sell off the rims on his Toyota Allion.
Munajj Ahmed
“Most of the things are becoming electronic nowadays and one of few things that still feels a bit mechanical nowadays, are cars. Its why I've always wanted to study mechanical engineering, and it almost makes the long hours doing page after page of calculus and memorizing the properties of fluids at high temperatures worth it. And of course, there's motorsport. Being a huge F1 fan automatically means you'll be a car lover, at least in my case.”
Munajj is currently studying Mechanical Engineering at the University of Toronto. Before he left Dhaka though, he was seen flaunting the huge stereo on his Toyota Corolla AE110 and occasionally driving it into trees in Dhanmondi.
Shahrier S. Emil
“It gets me from point A to point B with air conditioning. Other than that, though, I love the 1969 Charger, and it's a dream of mine to own one. It's a sexy car, and I can appreciate cars like that. Does not mean I go completely bonkers over any and every car, though.”
Emil is studying graphic design at Minnesota State University (Moorhead) and occasionally looks at Chargers and fails to recognize them. We really don't know why he's here, he practically begged us to print his quote.
Ragib Arefin
“An artist has a paintbrush and canvas with the end product being in a gallery. I have my tools and a bare chassis with the end product running on an expressway. A car is a sense of freedom, to one that's not even into cars. It may be a materialistic object to many, however it's the closest connection to myself that I've had. It's outlived girlfriends, friends, even family and yet has always been there to be my rocket ship to escape reality when times were hard. My car's more than just transportation, it's expression.”
Ragib currently lives in Jamaica, New York, and built a 516 wheel horsepower (650 whp on race gas), turbocharged Nissan 240sx S13 in his back yard, doing all the work himself. When he's not getting pulled over by cops for his extremely loud exhaust, he runs his own business, Misty Mobile Hookah.