Plot: In a post- apocalyptic world, an unusually romantic zombie saves a girl from regular zombies. Their chemistry sparks a change in the undead that could bring redemption for all.
Review: In this 'zomromcom', R resides in an abandoned airport with fellow zombies and his best friend, M. Their way of communicating through awkward stares and grunts was an interesting thing to watch. We learn about their thoughts through narrations by R. In a twist of events, R saves a pretty girl, Julie from a zombie attack. They start developing an unusual relationship. Apart from naming the main characters R and Julie, the director tried to make its resemblance to 'Romeo and Juliette' obvious by including the clichéd balcony scene. Nicholas Hoult (the little boy from 'About a Boy') is all grown up in this movie and does a remarkable job at playing the very conflicted and unusual character of R. This movie had a different take on the world of zombies. It shows the story from the zombies' point of view and makes the audience feel for them. It doesn't go overboard with the 'romantic' or the 'comedy' part of a 'romcom'. However, it's similarities with Twilight can be off-putting at times. Teresa Palmer's likeness to Kristen Stewart added to this distraction. The soundtrack consists of classic and popular rock songs, which is a treat for the rock-lovers.
Director: Jonathan Levine
Writer: Jonathan Levine (screenplay), Isaac Marion (novel)
Cast: Nicholas Hoult, Teresa Palmer, John Malkovich
Length: 98 mins
Strength: Different perspective (from the zombie's point of view)
Weakness: Resemblance to Twilight
Showbiz Rating: 3