Spotlight on middle east
Once Labour Party is in power and start implementing the measures promised by its Leader Amram Mitzna, Israel should face no more violence within and outside the country and Israel and State of Palestine could live side by side in peace and tranquility. This is what the Quartet and the international community want. With peace between Israel and Palestine, the rest of the problems in the Mid East could gradually be solved on the same political strategy and peace formula..." Such a development may considerably reduce the chances of American war against Iraq.
If one sets a trap for others, he himself very often falls into that trap. Sharon wanted regime change in Palestinian territories and that induced President Bush to ask for regime change there. Apart from this, President Bush also vowed to topple President Saddam Hussain who allegedly wanted to assassinate senior Bush during latter's visit to Kuwait sometime after the Gulf war. The issue of war against Iraq is, of course, linked to making Israel safe for all time to come.
Because, it is Saddam who is considered to be a threat to Israel's existence. The allegation of Saddam having weapons of mass destruction is simply a pretext. The way the preparations have been going on clearly indicates the real possibility of a war against Iraq, no matter what UNMOVIC Inspectors do and report. Prime Minister Blair earlier said that war could take place even without UNSC resolution on war. But one could notice some change now in his stand due to anti-war reaction among the members of the European Union (EU) and also huge anti-war protests in various parts of the world. Prime Minister Blair is now expected to go to Washington by the end of the month to ask President Bush to give "time and space" to deal with Saddam. If Blair could be persuaded to back out, then Bush may think twice to attack Iraq unilaterally as there appears to be growing opposition in the USA and also within Bush Administration itself.
Since the second half of November 2002, Israel had faced no suicide bombings but Israeli army continued to kill Palestinians in Gaza and West Bank on the pretext that they are listed "terrorists". Listed by whom? Israel. The total number of Palestinians killed during the period was around 50. All of them except some so-called listed terrorists were innocent civilians including children. But a few days ago double suicide bombings in Tel Aviv killed 22 Israelis -- most of them were civilians. The responsibility was claimed by three radical Palestinian groups though Palestinian Authority denounced the suicide bombings. Anyway, by suicide bombing the Palestinians covered only about half of the total dead they buried because of Israeli army's atrocities during this period.
The U.S. asked Israel to show some restraint while going for revenge attacks against Palestinians -- the reason being Bush's concern over Arab reactions while he has been preparing for war against Iraq. Sharon did not bother much. His army continued to kill Palestinians and destroy their houses. Israeli army even dynamited a series of Palestinian houses some days ago apart from bombing by F-16 and Apache helicopter gunships.
Till last week, Sharon appeared set to be Israel's Prime Minister for another term as Likud's poll-rating was considerably high because of Sharon's repressive policies against Palestinians. Unfortunately, Israelis fail to understand that it is Sharon who has been responsible for ever increasing violence in the area. It was all killing and counter killing and nothing else.
However, in the meantime, the press reports on corruption charges against Prime Minister Sharon during the last election in terms of funds received in an unlawful manner rocked Likud's present election platform and it was suicidal for Sharon himself. It was reported in the newspapers that Sharon took a loan of $1.5 million from a South African businessman, Cyril Kern, to repay a political contribution made by an American company -- Annex Research. Earlier he reportedly said his political expenses were met by loan taken against the mortgage of land of his ranch in Israel. So this was nothing but a fraud and cheating as interpreted by Israeli media. Thus Sharon's poll rating has now gone down sharply and consequently Labour's position has gone up. Sharon is now seen by a great number of Israelis as a "godfather" instead of a "grandfather". He has been accused of stealing money and other forms of corruption to support and protect his family members.
It is highly unlikely that he would be able to recover the character injuries he suffered due to the corruption allegations. Israelis seem to be very sensitive on such issues. Even three television networks including the state television and two radio stations suddenly stopped transmitting Prime Minister Sharon's press conference where he tried to explain his position on the alleged corruption. This was ordered by the Chairman of the Central Elections Committee, a former Justice of Israel's Supreme Court as this was considered as illegal "election propaganda" just days before the General Election of January 28.
This seems to be the best opportunity for the Palestinian radical groups and the Palestinian Authority to take advantage of political reactions in Israel and work towards the change of Likud regime in Israel. The present Labour headed by new leader Amram Mitzna already pronounced publicly its plan, if elected, for direct negotiations with the Palestinian Authority. He earlier said, he would dismantle all Israeli settlements in the occupied territories, withdraw Israeli army to 1967 border and accept East Jerusalem to be the capital of the State of Palestine. Palestinians cannot expect a better deal. The borders could be negotiated with such a Labour leader through acceptable adjustments of settlements and other Israeli official buildings along and beyond the Green Line against release of appropriate land elsewhere in favour of Palestinians. President Arafat has already called upon the Palestinians to stop violence before 28th January General Election in Israel.
What Palestinian radical groups should do now is to make a firm announcement to the Israeli public that they will bring immediate and total halt to all suicide bombings and attacks against Israelis provided Labour Party is voted to power. This should be a genuine declaration to stop all suicide bombings. These groups should declare publicly that all Israelis can freely move in the streets, malls, buses and all other business places without fear and they may continue to enjoy the same if Labour Party is voted to power. This may have some favourable effect on many Israelis as they are now really concerned about their security and safety. Labour Party will also use this as a positive development in their election campaign and assure Israelis of their future security, which is now their prime concern.
Once Labour Party is in power and start implementing these measures promised by its Leader Amram Mitzna, Israel should face no more violence within and outside Israel and Israel and State of Palestine could live side by side in peace and tranquility. This is what the Quartet and the international community want. With peace between Israel and Palestine, the rest of the problems in the Mid East could gradually be solved on the same political strategy and peace formula -- "land for peace". Such a development may considerably reduce the chances of American war against Iraq.
Muslehuddin Ahmad is a former Secretary and Ambassador and founder president of North South University