Published on 12:00 AM, August 30, 2018


Staring at the white screen of a blank page on MS Word is perhaps the most depressive activity as a writer. Like common cold, it has a bunch of possible remedies [that rarely work] while most decide to ride it out until things get better. Recently, I read some brilliant advice by Ray Bradbury on Lithub regarding writer's block. More often than not, writing becomes a chore when you aren't enjoying it. Prejudices or preconceived notions often become a barrier between you and the story or even an article. We tend to forget that no one's going to read our first drafts. Sometimes it's good to unwind and not be your own worst critic. Go out there and write. As the writer of Fahrenheit 451 said, if you write one story a week, you'll have 52 stories by the end of the year. Honestly, it's tough to produce 52 bad write-ups in a row.

– Rumman R Kalam, In-charge, SHOUT