Published on 12:00 AM, September 06, 2018


Today we're going to learn how to make something really special. It's one of the most important things you're ever going to learn to make, if not the most important. It's importance lies in whether you're going to be able to avoid having to make it, and if your hand is forced, you can at least nod your head and say, “Well, I knew this was going to happen.”

We start with a boiling September heat, there really isn't any restriction as to how hot it can be. If you can still feel your skin, it can still get hotter. Add some rain clouds but be sure not to let it rain, that might ruin your whole experience. If it's absolutely impossible to stop the rain, definitely forget to bring an umbrella/raincoat. If you're in a car, take the most congested road in the city and make it block the exit on the left so that a bunch of other vehicles behind you can't go anywhere and start honking like crazy. If you're using a ride-hailing motorbike service, make sure it snakes its way beside a bus out of which a head sticks out and vomits slightly on your head. Finish off with a slight garnish of sweaty patches on your recently ironed shirt as you finally arrive for your important meeting.

I hope you like our recipe for disaster, please try it yourself and let us know the results. 


– Azmin Azran, Sub-editor, SHOUT