Rain soothes sultry capital
The capital was under the feel of a mild heat wave until evening rain came as a relief yesterday.
The summer heat coupled with humidity has spread countrywide since Monday, lifting the mercury curve up.
Temperature in the capital edged up to 36.2 degrees Celsius yesterday from 36 on Monday, according to a weathercast.
Yesterday's highest temperature was recorded at 40.2 degrees Celsius in Rajshahi, and Ishwardi recorded 40 degrees Celsius, said the Met office. Temperature hit a two-day high in Jessore at 40.3 degrees Celsius on Monday.
"The heat wave may continue a few days more," said Samarendra Karmakar, director of the Dhaka Met office.
The monsoon winds from the Bay of Bengal would not arrive with rain until the first week of June, said the Met office.