It's a chance to be top exporter: Mozena
US Ambassador Dan W Mozena. Star file photo
US Ambassador in Dhaka Dan W Mozena said on Sunday that the suspension of Generalised System of Preferences (GSP) could be an opportunity for Bangladesh to become the number one apparel exporter in the world.
“The world would be sick of Bangladesh if it sees one more accident like Rana Plaza or Tazreen Fashions. So, the GSP suspension will help Bangladesh make sure that this type of accident never takes place,” Mozena told a group of businessmen while visiting Meghna Group of Industries at Meghna Ghat in Narayanganj.
Mozena's comments came three days after the US suspended GSP privileges for Bangladesh after a six-year review exposed “serious shortcomings” in safety and labour standards.
The Obama administration suspended the GSP facility for Bangladesh due to insufficient progress in core labour rights and workplace safety issues, the US ambassador said.
If the issues (labour rights and workplace safety) are solved, this will be the beginning of Bangladesh’s effort to become the world’s largest exporter of garments, he added.
Mostofa Kamal, chairman and managing director of Meghna Group of Industries, and Aftab ul Islam, president of American Chamber of Commerce in Bangladesh, also spoke on the occasion.