Storyline: Five twenty-something friends become holed up in a remote cabin. When they discover a Book of the Dead, they unwittingly summon up dormant demons living in the nearby woods, which possess the youngsters in succession until only one is left intact to fight for survival. It is a remake of 1987 cult classic.
Review: It is never possible to ignore the original, when writing about a remake. The original – a low budget zombie comedy – film turned out to be a real horror cult classic. The remake is entirely a horror film with no comic element into it. The original was of awesome ideas and quirkiness. The remake lacks in delivering a pure horror shock which has no new technological advantages the original did not have. The film is too long and is bloated with cash and CGI blood spatters.
The original Evil Dead was a horror with black comedy. We've already watched too many catchy CGI gore – even “Passion of the Christ” had more gore – therefore, the new one needed much more originality in terms of CGI and fear factor.
It was a surprise to me to find that the film ignored the black comedy of the original. With too many horror films lying around it needed just a bit more to do justice to the original. Yes, there are few moments of scare – and they do give you goos bumps. But they are not enough to make it a close compare to the original. Bruce Campbell must be feeling good that he is still the king of Zombie comedy.