The original Forum of the 1960s was begun at a time of political upheaval and acted as a platform for voices of change -- political, economic, cultural and social. Over 30 years into its closing, we resumed Forum with similar dreams of change and progress of our nation -- some of which have been fulfilled, others which remain to be so. We close today at yet another time of great change, again, brought on by the people through both traditional and more modern avenues for having their voices heard.
In this last issue of Forum, we are left with a number of national issues unresolved. The trial of war criminals, the existence of religion-based politics, restoration of the caretaker government system are only a few which would top the list under the present circumstances. Subjects we have strived to cover and influence over the years -- human rights in general and women's rights in particular, the rights of minority groups, economic growth and policy, cultural diversity and, of course, political development -- have all seen some change, yet they have a long way to go. At times, it has been a rehashing of the same demands which were never quite met; at others, of an upgrade of a partially improved situation. Sometimes, we have suggested new and drastic measures for transformation.
A nation does not change in six years, or even 42, perhaps, but it grows -- rising, falling, steadying over time. Six years into its publication, this magazine, too, has grown. It has witnessed and reported on change in many instances and the need for it in many others. We have incorporated, and introduced, the views of writers and readers with an interest primarily in Bangladesh but also in global issues, from around the world. They have included policymakers and politicians, artists and critics, activists and the affected, who have delved into history, analysed the present and expressed their hopes and concerns while looking to the future for a better Bangladesh and world.
We thank those who have stood by us, each in their own capacity -- as readers, contributors, the editorial and graphics teams, the management -- and made the place for Forum which it holds today. If there is ever a new and improved chapter of the publication itself, we hope they will be with us still, helping us to reach newer heights. For now, we sign off with the dreams with which we began, as well as those we have cultivated over the past six years -- of a better, more beautiful Bangladesh.