Comments on news report
“Cops hardly corrupt,” published on August 21, 2013
Let us look at the brighter side of this DU study 'report'. Two teachers plus thirteen students may now also qualify for some medals from police administration. And there is now better scope for good business for this 'research team' -- carrying out research on behalf of government organs labelled as corrupt to give them a clean chit.
The whole report is an example of corruption.
M. Ashraf
Mr. Patwary, was this survey conducted in the back of a police truck? Was any part of the police funding sent directly to you? This report is a farce and a lie. Maybe you should take up politics.
May Allah help them to open their eyes!
S. M. Iftekhar Ahmed
Next you will hear that the Razakars were actually philanthropists during 1971.
John Williams
That is just plain funny. The police force in Bangladesh is indeed one of the most corrupt government agencies. That statement is validated as you still require a bribe of at least TK 500 to lodge a simple report such as a General Diary. What a biased study conducted by students of DU! Complete and utter shame!
Snr Citizen
DU VC is party appointed. He may have been a catalyst to the doctored results.
Sheikh Monirul Islam, Opee
Very good news that our police forces are not corrupt. Bad news is the teachers and students are corrupt and police are good at corrupting them. Very entertaining!