Is the Third World a third-class world?
IT is not the intention to bash the Third World with negativity and criticism but merely to vent the frustration and sense of hopelessness. It is also an attempt to focus on the strengths that we still possess and maybe, just maybe, we can force a glimmer of hope that will lead us to a new beginning of change from this morally and intellectually decaying society.
The world where people can live as they desire is the First World and the world where the situation is reverse is the Third World. The nature of water is to run down and the nature of human being is to constantly strive to rise above for a better life. For better living capable people migrate to First World leaving their dear motherland in the hands of looters. The 'number one' characteristic of the Third World is there has to be rampant corruption in the ranks and files from top to bottom. It seems, the leaders mostly take influenced decisions due to the presence of Agents in Place (A in P) or Agents of Influence (A of I). Consequently, in spite of genuine desire to remain popular, they fail miserably and get dethroned with humiliation and shame either by the people or by a military coup.
50-year long cold war has provided some countries so much of intelligence expertise that keeping small nation-state under full domination has become a cat-walk task for them. No one wants to leave power, particularly with humiliation. But, this has turned into a routine affair in Third World countries, as if, "this is politics". The first class political system (democracy) is for the First World and the third class political system (demon's cracy) is for the Third World.
Under the cover of democracy the Third World nations can easily be dominated so long they are infested with corruption. It is the tool to de-popular a Third World leader and the same tool is used to replaces them over and over again. This is the main intangible expedient, which is the root cause of misery for the people of the Third World. Every time, with the change of power, people become hopeful for an honest environment but again get deceived and the corruption continues as before, sometimes under a newly woven fabric of falsehood. Without this a Third World country can quickly follow Vietnam, Malaysia, Thailand or even Singapore!
Let's unearth some indisputable characteristics that separates these two worlds:
In case of First World, any national problem is solvable, whereas in Third World, problems are persistent and unsolvable.
In the First World, power is within the system but in Third World power is with the chair.
In the First World no one is above the law. In Third World, practically there is hardly any law for the ruling class.
People of First World have homogeneity in their priority of loyalty. In case of Third World there is no such homogeneity.
In the Third World, leaders prefer subordinates with personal loyalty, whereas First World leaders prefer subordinates with professional or institutional loyalty.
In the Third World, political stability is seldom but the unrest is almost constant, which is reverse in case of First World.
In this respect the most pathetic scenario is the condition of intelligence organizations. The First World philosophy is, "It is unfortunate for a nation whose intelligence services are looked after by mediocres." This mediocrity is professional mediocrity, whereas in case of Third World the intelligence services are often looked after not even by professionals? To become a professional one must have intensive training, knowledge and experience. But unfortunately, Third World intelligence organizations are often looked after by leaders with no professional background! It is the intelligence organization who supposed to act as eyes and ears of the government. They are to provide timely intelligence following all the steps of intelligence cycle and help the government take accurate decision for the benefit of the people. Once a non-professional intelligence head is selected he becomes counterproductive to the state. He not only fails to differentiate between real friend and foe, he also fails miserably to identify pseudo friend and sugarcoated foe. He scores an apologetic figure in analyzing or synthesizing information inputs. He can never develop a perfect threat perception to find out the "essential element of intelligence" to help the leader pre-empt against any future threat.
Such self inflicted blindness help the super power to make Third World deaf and dumb by penetrating the fabric of intelligence and administrative structure. These days they do it by opening Counter Terrorism (CT) wing within the framework of local intelligence organizations and in the form of financial support to CT or outreach training. As the help and training continues, a poor Third World country gradually and surreptitiously goes up the ladder of failed state index.
Like war time, piece time domination is conducted by strong and professionally capable intelligence organizations. Ecuador's leftist President Rafael Correa claimed that number of his intelligence organizations and defense departments were penetrated by foreign intelligence organization (FIO). He had to remove some of his top brasses and replace them with patriots. Is it only Ecuador out of all the Third World countries that has been penetrated?
The significance of sovereignty for the Third World is under serious question. Here the word 'patriotism' has practically lost its emotional sense. Subversion or destruction of loyalty is a protracted and costly process. However, if the target audience is corrupt, this part becomes redundant. People are auto subverted and ready to sell any national interest for pity personal benefits.
It is interesting to know how they hook the leaders and thereby hook the people of the Third World. Being extremely professional, global Rambo follows the copy book method of espionage skill. Their intelligence organization is of extreme capability in terms of human intelligence (HUMINT) and technological intelligence (TECHINT).
If the mission of a professional intelligence organization is "to keep the Third World countries under corruption in order to ensure constant political unrest, economic stalemate and facilitate brain drain and also to soak up subsurface, surface and aerospace resources," does it need a PhD to comprehend how efficiently the global Rambo is doing the job? The presence of such "Their Men" is in every faculty of public influence.
Since decision-making authority remains with the First World or with their chosen leaders, the Third World has to continue as a third class world, till it finds a leader like Mahathir Mohammad of Malaysia or Lee Kuan of Singapore. It is an extremely difficult proposition to negate global or regional Rambo's intelligence onslaught. What is possible is, to ensure a professional intelligence organization led by a professional and all "Their men" are identified and eliminated like Ecuador's leftist President Rafael Correa.
Dishonest and incapable leaders are very much required to lead the Third world; the First World only needs to help them go into power while the rest are managed by the hypocrites, notion greasers and hyper (personally) loyal subordinates. The philosophy is, either there should be a continuous flow of new corrupt leaders or rotate the power among the corrupt leaders like pillow passing game. When a leader loves his country and his people the country develops like Malaysia and when a leader loves power and the money then it remains permanently a Third World.
The perception of democracy in USA is definitely different than the way people of Bangladesh look at it. For the mass, power is a curse once it is in the hands of corrupt leaders, is blessings, once it is with honest leaders.
Where there is corruption, there is no justice, when there is injustice there is no human right. To get out of this third class environment, we need only one objective - get the country on honest footing and give discard all other perspectives and advices.
The author is a freelancer