Circuit house
During the British rule circuit houses were established as temporary abode of visiting government officials. Private visitors were also allowed to stay paying rent when the rooms were available. Executive engineers or his nominated officer maintained the house and administered the same as per rules. This practices are still there in India perhaps also in Pakistan. As a foreigner I had the opportunity to use circuit house facility in India.
But in the recent past district administrations took up the management of the circuit houses. D.C. or on his behalf N.D.C. administers the management. During political regime these circuit houses are used as the political hub of ministers and MPs. Deputy commissioners under pressure or with pleasure provide all sorts of facilities for the ruling elite. Most of the expenditures are borne from the L.R. funds, a public fund DCs arrange locally to meet local exigencies, of course in public interest. This extra burden hampers the efficiency of the District administration and many a time creates embarrassing situations for them. Most of the ministers and MPs hardly care to pay the minimum expenses incurred during their stay.
So, we urge upon the caretaker government to delink circuit houses from district administration. P.W.D. as in the past should maintain the house and permanent staffs should take care of guests as per rules set by the government. Political leaders (including ministers and MPs) those who have own residences in the district should not be allowed to use the house or at least they should be barred from holding political meetings/parties in circuit house. These should be strictly used for administrative purpose only. Private persons of status should also be allowed to use the facilities on availability.