Seminar on e-tourism technology
An international seminar on "Development of e-tourism technologies in Islamic countries" was held at the auditorium of Islamic University of Technology, Gazipur yesterday, says a press release.
Department of Computer Science and Information Technology of Islamic University of Technology (IUT), OIC General Secretariat, Islamic Development Bank (IDB) and Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Republic of Azerbaijan jointly organsed the seminar.
Prof Dr M Tamim, special assistant to the chief adviser, inaugurated the seminar while IUT Vice-Chancellor Prof Dr M Imtiaz Hossain chaired the event.
Prof Tamim said management training is needed to make effective use of resources in the Islamic countries. He also said mutual planning and cooperation among the OIC member countries can make the e-tourism industry a driving force to the economy.
Participants from Azerbaijan, Burkina Faso, Guinea, Indonesia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Sudan, Turkey and Uganda attended the seminar.