<i>People and police</i>
On 12 April, 2008 for the first time, I could join the above forum chaired and conducted by the senior police officers and executives.
I congratulate the CTG for introducing this gathering to bring the police closer to the general people. It provides an excellent and golden opportunity to understand each other and exchange ideas and views on combating crimes. Among many objective subjects that were discussed, I felt a very vital point was left out --role of an Investigation Officer in dealing with a crime. I humbly suggest to the top Police Administration that on acceptance of a complaint filed by the victim seeking redress, the incident calls for preliminary investigation by an I.O. This very I.O. who is usually of the rank of a S.I. becomes the sole authority to carry out the investigation. He then becomes the most powerful man in the Police Administration, on whose honesty, integrity, and neutrality the image of the police force rests. It is he who alone can ensure justice at grassroots level. He can exercise his sole power either way. He is supposed to be ruthless, rough and tough with the criminals and be sympathetic and kind to the victims. People in and around the location of an incident will either develop their respect and confidence or will get frustrated if natural justice is not seen to be dispensed by him. He is the first point of contact who either commands respect or gets despised by the victims and society. The offenders out of fear, will do anything either in cash or kind to put him on their side and buy his loyalty, resulting in further victimization, humiliation and harassment of the victims and the witnesses.
The Police Administration has to address this most sensitive part of the administration to win public confidence. There must be a check and balance on his power and he must be accountable for abusing his authority The victim if subjected to injustice by the I.O. should have the scope and option to seek justice and redress from the higher authorities. If this vital point is tackled by the authorities in a rational way, we are bound to see crime rates falling gradually. Law abiding people in general will feel confident and develop their love and respect for the police force.
The government of the day also has an obligation to provide the police with each and every facility like providing each P.S. with stand-by generators etc, so that they are able to concentrate on their jobs. On their integrity alone, social justice depends. They must be cared for in all respects. The past political governments deliberately deprived them of better pay and service conditions so that they could be purchased. A hungry man will not care for morality. Let the future political government not get the scope of corrupting the police force, a backbone of society and nation. My hats off to the I.G.P. and the Metropolitan Police Commissioner for their sincere efforts to clean up the Augean stables.
The country needs a better and efficient police force more than anything else.