At A Glance
Boyhood in British India and Pakistan
Hasnat Abdul Hye
Adorn Publication
The narrative is in the third person and speaks of the mysteries and experiences the author went through what was an observant boyhood. In more than one sense, it is also a depiction of geography which soon expands into an exposition of heritage in times that are no more. A strong whiff of the fictional is here.
State Language Movement In East Bengal
AMA Muhith
The University Press Limited
The work is definitely a well-researched account of a movement that spearheaded all other movements in what was to be Bangladesh. And do note that it is in English, which is as much as to suggest that it holds promise of further carrying our story out into the wider world. And, of course, it is a historian's delight.
Trishonkur Kororekha
Nripo Anup
Kalnetro Prokashoni
The beauty of this little book lies in the reflections it comes in. There are the loud thoughts of the writer/poet, especially when he recalls souls gone by. And then come the poem, each one of which is a quiet deliberation on life as it is, perhaps as it ought to have been. It is the thinking young you spot in these pages.
Falgun 1414
Bangladesh Lekhok Shibir
If you are looking for profundity in thought, journals of this kind are what you should be looking for. Within the parameters of this magazine comes a wide array of subjects clearly meant to be serious reading. Essays, short stories, poetry and remembrances constitute the entire range of thinking here. Readers of good taste will relish going through it.