Women as leading force
Women are now contributing to society in various ways. Educated women are now showing their capability along with men in every sphere of life, both at home and abroad. Most of them have proved their competence in various fields. But what is the real condition of our women in general? They are still not the decision makers in their families.
In a male dominated society like ours, women are still suppressed in the family and society. This is one of the main reasons of less participation of women in politics, in social works and in various kinds of challenging jobs. The condition of rural women is much more critical. We know, they have to depend on their husbands or in-laws' decisions in a family. Women, who are economically solvent, also have to depend on their husbands' decisions. So, it is almost impossible for them to take part in political or social activities. As economic and social development depend mostly on women's participation, it is the duty of society to encourage them to come forward. The men should stand against male chauvinism that exists in our society, so that women can get rid of oppression and harassment . In seminars and public meetings, we generally talk about a free and fair world where women would get all their rights; where women with their constructive ideas and thoughts would work as a leading force. But do we really believe those words ?
It is time to think seriously about this issue and take some actions at the field level, so that women can get rid of this oppression and help build our nation.