Manning reveals his despair in 'cage'
WikiLeaks suspect Bradley Manning admitted to falling apart during his detention and contemplating suicide, as he took the stand for the first time at a pre-trial hearing on Thursday.
The 24-year-old US Army private, facing possible life imprisonment over allegedly leaking documents to the secret-spilling WikiLeaks website, acknowledged he had suicidal thoughts initially when he was held in a "cage" in Kuwait in 2010.
Later on Thursday military judge Denise Lind said Manning could potentially plead guilty to lesser charges and avoid conviction for "aiding the enemy," which carries a possible life sentence.
Manning, who has poor vision, said he had his glasses taken away, had to request toilet paper and was forced to remove his underwear at night and then sleep on an uncomfortable mattress designed for inmates deemed a suicide risk.
The boyish-looking soldier recounted how he was forced to stand at attention naked in his cell and encountered angry responses when he questioned his detention regime.
Manning, accused of the worst security breach in American history, faces a slew of charges over his alleged disclosures to WikiLeaks, which embarrassed the US government and it's allies.