Iran reaches milestone at key nuke plant: IAEA
Iran is on the cusp of being able to triple output of nuclear material that, if further treated, could be used in the core of a bomb, a new UN atomic agency report showed.
Fordo, which Iran only told the IAEA about in 2009, began in 2011 to enrich uranium to purities of 20 percent, a process that lies at the heart of the international community's concerns.
Enriched to this level, uranium can be used to produce medical isotopes -- Iran's stated intention -- but when further enriched, a relatively easy process, it can go in a bomb.
If Iran uses the new machinery at Fordo to enrich uranium to 20-percent levels production could increase from 15 kilos per month now to around 45 kilos, a source said.
Experts say that around 250 kilos of 20-percent uranium is needed to convert into enough 90-percent material for one nuclear weapon.
However, deciding to "break out" and enrich to 90-percent would quickly be detected by the IAEA, likely sparking military action by Israel and the United States.