Film show on drug, HIV prevention held
The premiere show of two films produced aiming to support the police, prisons, narcotics and community services for communicating the messages against crime, drug dependence and preventing the spread of HIV were held in the city on Thursday, says a press release.
The film 'Mukto Jibon' is a 24-minute film, focused on raising awareness among prison inmates about STIs, HIV and drug use and the film 'Fera' is a 29-minute film focused on raising awareness on health and drug detoxification services available after being released from prison.
Family Health International (FHI) Bangladesh in collaboration with South-South Centre (SSC), IOM, CREA and Ministry of Home Affairs organised the premier show at Spectra Convention Centre.
Brgd Gen Md Zakir Hasan, Inspector General of Prisons presided over the function while Dr Sk Abdur Rashid, additional secretary of Ministry of Home Affairs attended the function as the chief guest, and Sheri-Nouane Johnson, Director, PHN, USAID, and Humayun Kabir, Director General, Department of Narcotics Control attended as special guests.
The chief guest said we can not live in peace and tranquility if we do not consider our neighbors who are with problems like drug abuse and HIV.
He pointed out that these films would carry the messages in raising awareness among the vulnerable groups to the problems.
Officials from Ministry of Home Affairs, Departments of Police, Prisons and Narcotics Control attended the programme.