Nat'l Harijan confce in Kushtia today
A national conference to ensure dignity and rights of the Harijan community of the country will be held at Islamia College ground here today.
Friends Association for Integrated Regulation (FAIR), a local NGO and Manusher Jonno Foundation will jointly organize the conference.
Representatives of the Harijan community from 28 districts will participate in the conference.
Kushtia Deputy Commissioner Md Nurul Islam will inaugurate the conference while it will be attended by human rights activist Dr Hamida Hossain, The Daily Star Editor Mahfuz Anam, Advocate Salma Ali, Prof Dr Mizanur Rahman, Executive Director of Manusher Jonno foundation Shaheen Anam, Executive Officer of Kushtia Zilla Parishad Dhirendranath Sarkar and Islamic University Registrar Dr Md Moslem Uddin.
Islamic University teacher Dr Rashid Askari will present the key-note paper.